My Interests
- Cooking,baking, trying new cuisines
I'm Looking For
Female/ Between 18-29
I am looking for someone who comes from a supportive and loving family regardless of their family structure.
About Me |
Gender | Female |
Marital status | Unmarried |
Mother Tongue | Tamil |
Age | 22 |
Religion | Hindu |
Caste | Vellalar |
Country | Sri Lanka |
State/District | Mullaitivu |
Visa type | Others |
Occupation | No job |
Education | A/L |
Annual income | 500 Lakh rs |
Sector | Not Working |
Habits |
Diet | Non-Veg |
Drinking | No |
Smoking | No |
What do I look like? |
Complexion | Fair |
Body type | Average |
Height | 211 cm |
Weight | 143 kg |
Horoscope |
Date of birth | 2002-11-27 |
Birth time | 11:43:00 |
Star | Uththaradam 02 - Magaram |
Dhosam | No |
My photo

Family information
Father's Occupation | Star-matrimony |
Father's Caste | Star-matrimony |
Father's Native Place | Star-matrimony |
Father's Status | Star-matrimony |
No of Brothers | Star-matrimony |
Mother's Occupation | Star-matrimony |
Mother's Caste | Star-matrimony |
Mother's Native Place | Star-matrimony |
Mother's Status | Star-matrimony |
No of Sisters | Star-matrimony |
Contact information
Full Name | Star-matrimony |
Member id | Star-matrimony |
Permanent address | Star-matrimony |
Temporary address | Star-matrimony |
Native place | Star-matrimony |
Whatsapp number | Star-matrimony |
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Member id - a17191
I am looking for someone who comes from a supportive and loving family regardless of their family structure.